Are you tired of the toxic cycle of Tinder dating and holding yourself back from the abundance you deserve?
We are here to help. The problem with most people today is that they are so focused on themselves, their careers and personal life that they forget about the importance of a healthy relationship.
The desire for interpersonal connection is natural within us all. We yearn for it through our relationships with others: partners or spouses, friends or family members—or anyone who provides support when life gets difficult. It’s one thing we can never have enough of.

People often look for someone who is a mirror of themselves.
They want to be with someone that sees the world just like they do, but ultimately it’s not about what you see in another person, but how you can grow together as one.
It’s about finding the right person for you.
Remember that your needs and desires change over time, so you will need to find a way to grow together with the person you love.
It’s time to take an honest look at your relationships: family, friends, romantic partners — because without them we cannot have intimacy or fill our needs for love and belonging.
If you feel depressed because your relationships have never seemed fulfilling, we can help. If there is someone in particular who has been on your mind for awhile now but it feels too scary to make a move, we’ve got just what you need!
We are dedicated to helping any client overcome their fears around personal relationship intimacy — whether they be friends-only intimacies or more than friendly ones.

The most important relationship you will ever have is the relationship you have with yourself.
It’s critical that you understand yourself first on an intimate level before pursuing anything else.
How you feel about yourself and the world determines what you attract.
Finding true love, attracting wealth, happiness and inner peace requires self love and a deep connection with who you are as an individual.
In order to understand why we feel certain ways in our relationships, or want more intimacy than others, you need to take a closer look at yourself and your temperament.
Once these discoveries have been made, it becomes easier to understand what type of relationship would be best for both parties involved.
In this process of self-exploration and understanding how you fit into your relationships, you will learn to appreciate the other person’s needs and wants… which ultimately leads to you both feeling satisfied with the new relationship.
Intimacy helps us feel closer not only to ourselves but also our partners who are there by their side during those intimate moments. Once you explore this new found knowledge, it will change your relationship not only with yourself as an individual, but with your future partner on a much more intimate level.
We understand what it’s like when there seems like an endless cycle of disappointing past relationships or friends who have disappointed us along the way but now things don’t need to be this way anymore!
You deserve better.
We also understand how it can be hard to take the first step when you are feeling stuck and not sure what’s next. That doesn’t need to be your lot, we’re here when you want us and our flexible membership program and one-on-one coaching sessions allow you the freedom to tap into help and guidance on your own terms and schedule.
If you’re tired of repeating destructive patterns in your relationships, or if you are holding yourself back from the abundance and fulfilment that is possible to have in a relationship, you don’t need to struggle alone anymore.
You deserve to have a relationship that is thriving and full of love. It’s possible, even if it feels overwhelming and you don’t know where to start. We are fully committed to helping you live a life that allows you to express intimacy verbally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.

Meet Roy & Amy
Working together as a husband and wife team, we have dedicated our lives to working with couples and individuals to experience a deep love and extraordinary intimacy with God, themselves and the ones they love in every area of life…
Intimacy is at our core. We explore intimacy across four key areas: Verbal, Emotional, Physical and Spiritual.
We can help you create a
deeper level of connection in
all areas of your life where it counts!
As your coaches, we are there to be a secure anchor for you to relate with as you work towards what you want in relationships and life. We are genuinely committed to helping you succeed, and will provide candid, constructive feedback that will help you grow as a person.
We offer one-on-one coaching sessions and courses to guide you through this process, as well as our monthly membership program where we gather together every month with group workshops based around topics such as communication skills, emotional intelligence, mindfulness practices, self esteem, overcoming shame, setting boundaries, etc.